Yearling Leo (3 pictures above)
Black Mesa Leonardo DiCapra (Leo) *B
Born 3/5/15
ADGA# PN1749611
CAE Status: Negative
G6S Status: Normal
Tested A/B for Alpha s1 Casein
Linear Appraisal Score:
86 VVV at 1 year old
89 VEE at 2 years old
Summer 2017:
Leonardo isn’t disappointing us! He is growing well, looking fine, and his kids are lovely. We look forward to watching this fella as he continues to mature.
Summer 2016:
We have been enjoying watching Leo mature. He grows more regal every day. We were thrilled when he scored so well on his linear appraisal with the appraiser commenting the Leo was a lovely young buck with lots of potential.
Summer 2015:
When Marlyn Mondoe gave us this beautiful buckling we couldn't resist following the tradition of naming her kids after entertainers - with a little twist to the name to make it, well, goaty. The word "Capra", just like the word "Caprine" means Goat. We hope that actor Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't have a problem with our little spin on his name. Our Leonardo DiCapra thinks it's just fine.
Sire: Black Mesa Benny’s River Rock *B, 86 VVE
SS: SG Lakeshore-Farms Mr. Bentley *+B, 91 EEE, Elite Buck
SSS: SG Kastdemur's Final Justice ++*B, 90 EEE
SSD: Lakeshore-Farms BMW 1*M, 90 VEEE
SD: SG Black Mesa Flash Flood's River 10*M, 90 V+EE
SDS: SG Reuel Rhesa's JJ Rio Grande ++*B, 90 EVE, Elite Buck, INBA Outstanding Sire
SDD: SG Black Mesa Flash Flood 9*M, 91 EVEV
Dam: SG Jacobs Pride Marlyn Mondoe 10*M, 91 EEEE, Multiple INBA Awards
DS: SG Jacobs Pride Star Dancer *+B, 87 VEV, Sire of the 2005 National Jr. Champion
DSS: SG Crown*Point Edens Cloud Dancer +*B
DSD: SGCH Jacobs Pride Bernice 7*M
DD: SGCH Jacob's Pride Blonde Bombshell 9*M, 91 EEEE, Dam of the 2005 National Jr. Champion
DDS: SG Kastdemur's De Exhibitionist +*B, 90 EEV
DDD: SGCH Jacobs Pride Rock Crystal 8*M 90 EVEE
Photos courtesy of Jacob's Pride