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5 year old Betty (above and below)Betty running away from being posed for her Glamour Shot

Betty as a 3 year old (3 pictures above)


SG Black Mesa Jacks Or Better (Betty) 7*M
Born  3/21/13

ADGA #  PN1645521

CAE Status: Negative

G6S Status: Normal

Tested A/B for Alpha s1 Casein

ADGA Superior Genetics Award

Linear Appraisal Score:
83 +VV+ as a yearling
87 VEE+ at 2 years old
90 EEEV at 3years old
91 VEEE at 5years old

International Nubian Breeders Awards (INBA)
INBA Bronze Milk Certificate (2016 - Pro)
INBA Silver Milk Certificate (2017 - BF)
INBA Bronze Milk Certificate (2017 - Milk & Pro)
INBA Excellence in Linear Appraisal Award

DHIR Milk Test Results:
Year Age Days in Milk Milk Lbs. Daily Milk Avg Fat Lbs. Fat % Pro Lbs. Pro %
2014 1-01 273 1420 5.2 56 4.0 54 3.8
2015 1-11 307 2240 7.3 101 4.5 82 3.7
2016 2-11 301 2700 9.0 138 5.1 96 3.6
2017 3-11 189 1311 6.9 62 4.7 49 3.7
2018 4-11 145 1717 11.9 67 3.9 58 3.4
2018 Lactation Is Now Over

Summer 2017:

Betty kidded this year with the largest doe kid ever born at BMR.  The kid weighed in at close to 10 pounds!  Betty had a little trouble getting her big daughter born and as a result her milk didn’t come in as well as usual.  But Betty still loves coming in for milking and is looking great.  She is a happy goat and we just love having her on our team.

Summer 2016:

We know Betty is a beautiful doe, long, level, and productive. But it was still awesome that the ADGA appraiser agreed with us and scored her as Excellent in confirmation. Maybe we should change her nickname from Ballistic Betty to Beautiful Betty. Either way, she is an amazing doe that we really enjoy working with.

Summer 2015:

Betty is still an enthusiastic girl. She loves her job and always makes us smile as she bounds in to be milked. Betty is milking well and growing nicely.

Betty has now earned her Superior Genetics title.

Summer 2014:

David has dubbed Betty as “Ballistic Betty” due to her enthusiasm.  If it’s worth doing, Betty thinks it’s worth doing with exuberance.  She flies through the door when it’s her turn in the milking parlor, then dashes to the exit door for cookies once she is done.  It’s hard not to smile when watching Betty, she loves life.

Summer 2013:

Betty absolutely loves being a goat and doing goaty things.  She can vault barriers with style and slip through doors with ease.  She is fun to watch, which is good since she really does need to be watched - otherwise she might just get into more trouble.  She is a lovely girl full of confidence and grace.  She is long and level with great strength of bone and wonderful dairyness.  Both her dam and granddam are ultra-productive does that have gorgeous udders with lovely plumb teats.  We expect Betty to join them in making us proud.

Sire:  Reuel Ginghams Royal Gallifrey +*B, 86 +EE

SS: GCH Price-o-the-Field Royal Marcus +B,  93 EEE

SSS: CH Price-o-the- Field Monarch  90 EEE

SSD: SGCH Price-o-the-Field Lady Regina 1*M, 92 EEEE

SD: SGCH Reuel Tapestry's RY Gingham 11*M, 90 EEEE 

SDS: Reuel Rufus' J.J. Ryan *+B

SDD: SG Reuel Lacie's EXP Tapestry 10*M,  90 EEEV

Dam: SG Black Mesa Jackie Tyler 6*M, 88 VVEV

DS: SG Lakeshore-Farms Mr. Bentley *+B, 91 EEE,  Elite Buck

DSS: SG Kastdemur's Final Justice ++*B,  90 EEE

DSD: Lakeshore-Farms BMW 1*M,  90 VEEE

DD:SG Black Mesa Rose Tyler 5*M, 90 EVEE

DDS: SG Reuel Miriam's EXP Marconi +*B, 91 EEE,  Elite Sire

DDD: Black Mesa Cory's Rosemary 4*M, 91 EEEE

Yearling Betty 5 pictures above


At one hour old

Flyin' Betty!

Betty at 2 months old above and below


6 month old Betty above and below