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2 year old sky (3 pics above)

Newborn Sky

SG Black Mesa Celestial Night Sky (Sky) 5*M
Born: 3/14/14

ADGA # PN1697425

CAE Status: Negative

G6S Status: Normal

Alpha s1 Casein A/A or A/B by pedigree

Linear Appraisal Score:
80 A+++ as a yearling
85 +EE+ at 2 years old
89 VEEV at 3 years old

ADGA Top Ten Breed Leader

International Nubian Breeders Awards (INBA)
INBA Gold Milk Certificate (2017- BF)
INBA Bronze Milk Certificate (2017- Pro)
INBA Top Ten Award

DHIR Milk Test Results:
Year Age Days in Milk Milk Lbs. Daily Milk Avg Fat Lbs. Fat % Pro Lbs. Pro %
2015 0-11 254 1470 5.8 73 5.0 57 3.9
2016 2-00 275 2470 9.0 154 6.2 92 3.7
2017 2-11 291 2747 9.4 143 5.2 107 3.9
2018 3-11 61 740 12.1 37 5.0 27 3.7
Sold 2018

Summer 2017:

We played a trick on Sky and changed which milking stand was hers.  Now she trots into the parlor and looks around at the 6 stands.  Once the other five stands are filled with the correct milker, then Sky easily jumps up onto the empty one.  There she proceeds to make us proud with her amazing milk production.    

Sky has made the ADGA Top Ten Breed Leader list for her amazing butterfat production last year!

Summer 2016:

Sky loves being a milker and has already earned her milking star. She freshened this year with triplet bucklings and went to work. She is one of our top milkers even though she does still gets a bit confused about which milking stand is hers.

Sky has now earned her Superior Genetics title.

Summer 2015:

Sky lost her pregnancy a month early, we think it was from a bad reaction to a vaccination that she got. But even so, she wanted to be a milker. We encouraged her and soon she was milking as much as the other yearlings. It will be interesting to see how she does when she really does freshen!

Summer 2014:

We were delighted when Sky’s mom, Celeste, kidded with 3 daughters and a son.  We were only planning on keeping one of the doelings, but ended up keeping two.  And we are thrilled with them both.  Sky isn’t as clever or outgoing as her sister, Celia, but she is friendly, elegant, and lovely to look at.  We expect both girls to be terrific additions for our herd.

Sire:   SG Goldthwaite Exotic Affair +*B, 86 VAV, ADGA Sire Development Program Buck, Elite Sire

SS: SG Goldthwaite Bootonniere  +*B, 90 VEE,  Elite Sire

SSS: Goldthwaite Blue Ridge  +*B           

SSD: SG Goldthwaite Mayaloka  5*M,   84 ++V+

SD: SGCH  Goldthwaite Exotic Dancer 2*M,  90 VVVE

SDS: SG  Goldthwaite Merlin  ++*B, 89 EVV

SDD: SG  Goldthwaite Exotica 1*M, 88 VVEV

Dam: SG Black Mesa Cory's Celeste 4*M, 90 VEEE

DS: SG Reuel Rhesa's JJ Rio Grande ++*B, 90 EVE, Elite Buck, INBA Outstanding Sire

DSS: SGCH Ladies Blue CMD Jesse James ++*B

DSD: SG Reuel Rufus’ Royal Rhesa 2*M, 90 EEEV

DD: SG Black Mesa Coriander 3*M, 89 VEVV, Three Time Top Ten Breed Leader, 2004 BMR Best First Freshener, INBA Outstanding Dam Award, INBA Premier Dam Award

DDS: SG Ragels Ziegenhof Guajillo  +B

DDD:  Ragels Ziegenhof Angel  2*M

3 month old Sky (3 pictures above)

Yearling Sky (3 pictures above)