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5 year old Reese pictured above and below - what a power house!

Reece at 3 years old (3 pics above)


SG Black Mesa Tally's Reese (Reese) 12*M
Born 3/9/13

ADGA # PN1645522

CAE Status: Negative

G6S Status: Normal

Tested A/B for Alpha s1 Casein

ADGA Superior Genetics Award

ADGA Top Ten Breed Leader

2014 BMR Best First Freshener
Click here to read more about this award

2014 USDA-DHIR Elite Doe - 99%

2015 USDA-DHIR Elite Doe - 98%
2016 USDA-DHIR Elite Doe - 99%
2017 USDA-DHIR Elite Doe - 99%

2018 USDA-DHIR Elite Doe - 98%

Linear Appraisal Score:
88 VVVE as a yearling
87 +AEE at 2 years old
89 V+EE at 3 years old
91 VVEE at 4 years old

International Nubian Breeders Awards (INBA)
INBA Bronze Milk Certificate (2015)
INBA Gold Milk Certificate (2017- BF)
INBA Silver Milk Certificate (2017-Milk, Pro)
INBA Top Ten Award
INBA Excellence In Linear Appraisal Award
INBA Lifetime Achievement Award

DHIR Milk Test Results:
Year Age Days in Milk Milk Lbs. Daily Milk Avg Fat Lbs. Fat % Pro Lbs. Pro %
2014 1-00 295 2320 7.9 109 4.7 83 3.6
2015 2-00 254 1960 7.7 98 5.0 71 3.6
2016 2-11 305 3190 10.5 187 5.9 108 3.4
2016Extended 312 3210 10.5 188 5.9 109 3.4
2017 3-11 267 2956 11.1 148 5.0 98 3.3
2018 4-11 231 2513 10.9 108 4.3 82 3.3
2018 Sold

Late Summer 2017:

Yes! She did it! Not only did Reese go Top Ten for butterfat, she was Number One in butterfat in the whole country! Way to go, Reese! We are very proud of you.

Summer 2017:

What more can we say about this girl – she is beautiful and productive.  She scored as Excellent in confirmation this year and now we are holding our breath that Reese will be named as one of the 10 best Nubian milkers in the country for her amazing butterfat production last year.  Stay tuned!  We’ll post it here once we know.

Summer 2016:

Reese continues to be a powerhouse in the milking parlor as well as scoring well on confirmation. She is a lovely, productive doe who does a great job for us here at BMR.

Summer 2015:

Once again Reese scored as Excellent for udder. She is a wonderful milker and delightful to work with.

Summer 2014:

We knew that Reese was a pretty doe, so it didn’t surprise us that she was our highest scoring yearling on Linear Appraisal.  However we were amazed that she scored as Excellent for udder – that is something that is very hard for a yearling to achieve.  But we agree with the appraiser – she is stunning.  And that Excellent udder is quite productive, too.  Reese has already qualified to earn her milking star!

Reese's mom, Tally, was just named Top Ten Breed Leader by the American Dairy Goat Association for being the 9th highest milking Nubian in the country with the 6th highest Butter Fat!

Reese has been awarded the coveted BMR Best First Freshener medallion for her great linear appraisal score, excellent milk production, and great attitude. She has also earned her Superior Genetics title and is an Elite Doe.

Summer 2013:

Reese, with her bold facial stripes and black ears, is quite eye-catching.  She is very stately, strong on her legs, long and dairy.  If she milks like her dam and granddam, she is going to be a powerhouse in the milking parlor when she grows up.  For now, she is an active, happy doe.  Her only downside is that she already does that Nubian Hum thing, which most does reserve for late pregnancy.  I'm glad I have barn cameras so that I won't have to run to the barn each time I hear that during kidding season!

Sire:SG Reuel Rhesa's JJ Rio Grande ++*B, 90 EVE, Elite Buck, INBA Outstanding Sire

SS: SGCH Ladies Blue CMD Jesse James ++*B

SSS: Ladies-Blue Cat-Man-Doo ++*B 

SSD: GCH Ladies Blue Smooth Trish 3*M, 90 EEEE

SD: SG Reuel Rufus’ Royal Rhesa 2*M, 90 EEEV

SDS: GCH Price o the Field Royal Marcus  +B,  93 EEE

SDD: GCH Reuel Valentine’s J Rufus 1*M

Dam: SG Black Mesa Brill's Tally Ho 11*M, Elite Doe, 2013 Top Ten Breed Leader in Milk and BF

DS: SG Goldthwaite Exotic Affair +*B, 86 VAV, ADGA Sire Development Program Buck, Elite Sire

DSS: Goldthwaite Bootonniere *B, 90 VEE, Elite Sire

DSD: SGCH Goldthwaite Exotic Dancer 2*M, 90 VVVE

DD: SG Black Mesa Poppy's Brillosa 10*M, 87 +EEV, Elite Doe - 99%

DDS: SG Six M Galaxy Make a Big Splash *B 89 VVE, Elite Sire, INBA Outstanding Sire Award

DDD: SG Black Mesa Flash's Poppy 9*M, 91 EEEV, Elite Doe

Newborn Reese


Reese at 3 months old


Reese at 6 months old (above and below)

Yearling Reese (3 pictures above)

Reese as a 2 year old (three pictures above)